‘I feel the Horse course has proved instrumental in our mission to provide personalised pathways to positive futures. It has helped our young people to better manage and understand their emotions. It has also provided them with an opportunity to make progress and succeed in an environment they would otherwise never experience. The empathy and the confidence they have developed through the course has enabled them to return successfully to mainstream school provisions.’


Kevin Matthews  

Deputy Headmaster

The Pavilion



Once again I would like to thank you for all your efforts with our students last academic year.

As you know our students are some for the most challenging and vulnerable young People in Barnet and surrounding areas.

The horse course has a way of making them feel settled and calm. With the horse responding to their actions and body language  it never fails to surprise me how their personal sense of achievement and self-worth grows whilst they are with you .

As you know many of our students can be quite nervous and apprehensive of the course before they start and make excuses as to why they may have to drop out at the last minute- however once there they realise very quickly that actually there is nothing to fear and only things to gain.

I firmly believe that you Sue are the driving force behind the program’s success. Your calm, quiet, reassuring personality puts the students at ease instantaneously. They are able to see first-hand “how to do it “by following your straight forward instructions and examples.  You are quick to reassure and praise the students and the fact they have no peers “judging” them they are able to relax and be themselves- something that they don’t often have the chance to be.


Kind regards

Cath Thorley

Pastoral Manager

Oak Hill School

Almost three years ago, I found myself in a dark place mentally, immediately after a psychiatric admission. A healthcare professional signed me up for the Horse Course, but I was sceptical and unsure of how interacting with horses could possibly help me. However, I decided to give it a try. Over the course of a week, I had the opportunity to work with different horses and engage in various exercises. Little did I know that this experience would become a turning point in my life.

The Horse Course had a profound impact on me. It not only helped me develop assertiveness skills and empathy towards myself but also instilled a newfound sense of hope within me. The progress I made during that week exceeded years of traditional talking therapy. Following the course, I felt empowered and willing to confront and overcome the challenges I faced in therapy. As a result, I made tremendous progress in a short span of time. Within a couple of months after participating in the course, I began actively working towards my life goals. I continued my education and successfully started a job. Today, I am a healthcare professional specializing in working with children who face challenges similar to the ones I once experienced. I feel blessed to have the opportunity to give back to others and support them on their journey.                                                


For me, the Horse Course brought about a tremendous transformation. This experience was paramount in my life, and I am immensely grateful for it. I would really recommend this course to anyone seeking growth and healing. I especially want to acknowledge Sue, the fantastic, kind and patient instructor for making this experience so positive and impactful for me.

 Student M

I have had the most wonderful feedback from TB and her mum. She absolutely loved her week with you. Described it as ‘incredible’. They have sent me the photos. I’ve not seen her smile in the way she’s smiling in those photos .

NOA Girls

T attended The London Horse Play Centre. She spent time grooming the horses, learning how to walk with, talk to, and jump with the horses. She loved every minute of her time there. She was calm and focused, something she struggles with. She was gentle with the horses and felt a real connection to them. Sue and her colleagues were fabulous at teaching and explaining about the horses. Thank you so much.